Broken Isles was also a piece that Charlotte developed whilst at University with two course mates. The piece was largely inspired by Akram Khan's 'Zero Degrees'. The piece began as an exploration into the way fear and pain, although globally recognised concepts, are communicated very differently. This soon developed into a more politcal piece of theatre, developed around the time that Brexit was announced, it challenged British 'greatness' and questioned whether the nation is perhaps outdated in regards to it's approaches to other nationalities and it's own position in the world. The creative team wanted to begin to tackle cultrual prejudices and racial misconceptions.
The piece was devised as a chance collision piece, as the three team members each took on a role, be it the text, movement or technical aspects, and created short sections for each country that was featured in the piece. These were then thrown together in the rehearsal space, and much of it fitted together beautifully.